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Formerly ... CraftyFunParties.com

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Craft Ideas and Tips for Parties, Decor and some just for FUN.
Diamond Dots, Crafts from Trash, Kid's Crafts and MORE
Quick Links For This Page
Trash to Treasures - Busted Canvas - Crosses - Fun Crafts - Fore-Edge Photo Strip Book Art - Flowers - FREE Crafting SVGs and Meme JPGs - Diamond Painting - Tips and Tricks - Kid's Crafts - Home and Storage Ideas - More Crafty Pages
Busted Canvas
Busted Canvas is a technique that uses 2 overlapping canvas that appears to have one image breaking through the other.

You will need 2 canvas'. One needs to be a stretched canvas the one that is stretched around a wooden frame. The second of the same size is flat.

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These are easy enough for the kids to do. I printed the images right on to regular copypaper so you don't have to worry about napkins or tissue paper tearing. And they're suppose to appear like they are "Busting" Out so the cuts and flaps don't need to be perfect.

Minnie Mouse
Click on the ones you want to Download
Top layer is a piece of an old pair of jeans

Bubble Bath Cow
Click on the ones you want to Download
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This barn image is inentionally CROPPED so more of the barn will show when it's cut open
Individual Facial Features
My nephew made these eyes for me. So Cute !!! Click on the pic to download the JPG file. Simply print, cut and Mod Podge. I usually use cardstock.
These do not require a Cricut. Print, Cut and Mod Podge

These are SVG Files although they were designed for a Cricut or similar. they are printable. Mix and Match and make your own faces
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Click on the ones you want to Download
Click on the ones you want to Download
Click on the ones you want to Download
Click on the ones you want to Download
Click on the ones you want to Download
Click on the ones you want to Download
Click on the ones you want to Download

Old Rugged Cross
Decoupaged sheet music to a stretched canvas, then made the cross from wired burlap ribbon. I tied the cross first then glued it to the canvas.
FREE Old Rugged Cross JPG
Click to Download
Decoupaged sheet music to the outside of a spaghetti sauce jar. I then wrapped and glued it with jute/twine. The inside cross is cut (with a scissors :) No Cricut needed) from cardstock I colored with a black marker and Mod Podge to the inside. Added fairy lights to light it up. The outside cross are sticks and burlap.

The base of this is a Dollar Tree Stretched Canvas. It was painted with a crackle technique. I painted the whole thing black, let it dry and painted a coat of Elmer's Glue over it. While the glue was still tacky I painted over it with white paint. Used a stiff yucky brush for this, using as few brush strokes as possible. White paint crackles as it dries. It's pretty cool. The cross is DT Jenga Blocks and the flower was made on the Cricut from the Free SVGs on Design Space. There's a guide for them on the Cardstock Page.
Fun Crafts

Dollar Tree Wagon
This is a really cute easy display or centerpiece. (No it does not roll) Put kids toys in it or kitchen items or gnomes. I think I'm going to put some apples and maybe a Fake Bake Pie in mine.

Click on first pic for Step by Step Instructions

Hot Air Balloons
These are tealight candle holders I wrapped with jute. I used dowels to hold up the balloon and wrapped them too so they would blend in. The balloon is a styrofoam ball covered with felt.

Crafting 101 Stacked Books
Most of what is here is from Dollar Tree. (Gluing my good scissors to a wooden box didn't seem like a good idea.) The books are a DT crate turned upside down.

Mickey Mouse Paint Brush Jar
I decoupaged Mickey on to a pill jar and used hot glue to make the drizzles. I then painted the drizzles blue and coated it with Gloss Mod Podge. Your probably not going to want a jar that says Toni, BUT we have the AI Pictures that say Mickey and Minnie to share.
FREE AI Pictures
Click on 1st pic here to start the slideshow. There are more then what is pictured here and each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.
Fore-Edge Photo Strip Book Art
This is on the Dragons and Wizards Page but I am also putting it here to emphasize the fact that this can be done with ANY picture. Gnomes, Holidays, Flowers the possibilities are endless, there are lots of options for pictures throughout the site. AND they're FREE to download.

The image is made by half inch strips folded and then taped on the edge of each page of a book to create the image. You can use any image you want.
I use OpenOffice for this tutorial as it is a free program. The instructions are done with OpenOffice, but you can use Microsoft Excel or Numbers for Mac.
Items needed:
Spread Sheet program. I use OpenOffice as it is a free program. The instructions are done with OpenOffice, but you can use Microsoft Excel or Numbers for Mac.
Book I have seen them done on books that range from 300 pages to over 600 pages. The more detailed your image is the larger you want the book. It can be new or used. I purchased this book from Dollar Tree, but you can also get inexpensive used books at second hand stores. These are just for decoration so it doesn't really matter what book it is. Covers and bindings can be painted, covered, and/or decorated.
Printer Laser printers are not recommended for this as the image can crack when folded. (For those that do not know, laser printers use toner as opposed to ink. Most home printers are inkjet and work fine.)
Two way tape The tape should be ¼' or less unless you plan to cut it in half. (I used the .3” two way tape from Dollar Tree and cut it in half lengthwise.
Straight edge
Optional items:
Paper cutter
Scoring tool and/or board
Exacto Knife
This is the image used. Click on it to Download the FREE PNG File
Here are MORE Dragon Images but there are lots more images to chose from throughout the site.
Click on 1st pic here to start the slideshow. There are more then what is pictured here and each pic has a link with it so you can download which ever ones you want.
Create your own Garden
Pipe Cleaner Flowers
Black Eyed Susans
Grape Hyacinths
Visit the Pipe Cleaner Flowers Page for
Easy to Follow
Step by Step Instructions with Pictures
for each Type of Flower

Coffee Liners
Click on Picture to go
to their Page
Craft Foam
Diamond Painting

Diamond Painting is a toss between Paint By Numbers and Cross Stitch. Fun, Relaxing and Totally Addictive. Here you will find Tips and Ideas that will have you hooked too.

Most Kits Include
A Printed Canvas w/key
Fauceted "Diamonds" (Plastic Beads)
Wax Pad

The canvas has a grid of your picture and the corresponding key printed on the sides. It is covered with a tacky glue that the diamonds adhere to when placed and then covered with a removable plastic. Working from the bottom of your design lift the plastic as you work, leaving the sections you are not working on covered to ensure the glue stays tacky until you're ready to place diamonds there.
Diamonds are packaged and labeled with their corresponding number.

Stylus' have a hollowed end. You poke the stylus into the wax to fill the tip, this is what holds the diamonds on to it until they are placed. You don't do this for every placement. You only repeat when the diamonds are hard to pick up.

The tray that is provided help make the diamonds easier to pick up. Diamonds are placed fauceted side up

What you get ... Printed Sticky Canvas (Pretty sure that's NOT the technical name for it) , PLENTY of the Round Diamond Dots, Stylus and Tray

This is 1 in a set of 2. The 2nd is about 3/4 the way done.
Diamonds have one side that is fauceted and the other side is flat. They are available in both round (Pictured) and square.

The straighter you place the diamonds, the better your design will look. The glue does allow you to continue to move the diamonds once placed so you can adjust them as you progress. Round diamonds are more forgiving if the placement is off.

I didn't expect the stars to be perfect but I did expect a lot more contrast in the colors so at least you could tell what it was when it was completed. I even removed some of the diamonds to see if I misread the key and used the wrong diamonds. It's an American flag and there are NO Blue diamonds in this kit and very few red ones. I understand the purple and black when blended can look blue but the orange and maroon look really bad for the red stripes. But the real problem was there wasn't enough difference in the various shades of white that the majority of the picture looks like an off white blob. The design may have been really cool in a larger size where the details would be better. But I wouldn't recommend this, there are lots of similiar designs available that would be better.
This is the picture I seen when I ordered this one, I wanted it to go on a small place on my wall, so I picked a smaller project.
"Major" Miss
LESSON: When picking out projects for smaller areas, choose one with a simple design. Details in smaller designs get lost.

Tips and Tricks
Making Crafts with Burlap is really popular right now. However I am constantly amazed when buying burlap how many clerks do not know how to cut it properly. Burlap has a large weave and will unravel easily. That weave often shifts. So that 1/2 yard you purchased may only have 12" of usable fabric if it is simply measured with the yard stick and cut.

A lot of times you need the burlap to stand up. I use Mod Podge to stiffen fabric however a Craft or Elmers Glue can be used to. There are lots of different opinions about the ratio between water and glue. I prefer a watery mixture, so the fabric is a little more pliable when it dries. Just keep in mind the more Mod Podge/ Glue you use the Stiffer the fabric will be.
Click on Bunny to go to her Page
Measure and Cut Burlap

If you measure burlap with a yardstick and simply cut like regular fabric you will NOT get a square piece.

To get a squared piece tug on a string from the side at the point you want to cut

Pull that string completely out of the fabric, leaving a guideline

Cut along your guideline

For carrot greens I used a 30% Mod Podge/70% water mixture. I also added a little bit of green paint cause I wanted my burlap darker
Kid's Crafts

Bored Jar
Decorate a Glass Jar and place popsicle sticks with "Ideas" on them. Have the kids draw one when they are bored. All Present MUST participate

Swear Jar With a Twist
Swear Jars have been around since I was a kid. (Yes I am OLD) Everyone knows about the concept .. An adult says a bad word in front of a child and they pay. I had the kids draw pictures associated with "No Bad Words" (or in our case No Bad "Woreds") and together we Mod Podged them unto a jar. Not unique concept or even one of our more cleverly designed crafts. However ...
Here's the Twist
Between Music, TV, Videos and YouTube being everywhere, trying to supervise what kids are exposed to is getting more difficult. So yes the adults pay if they say a bad word BUT if the child is caught watching or listening to something that has bad words in it and they don't change the channel, switch the video etc. MONEY COMES OUT.
Home and Storage Ideas

Hanging File Folders are great for organizing felt and other materials

I rescued the cabinet (it might have been a shoe rack) My sister made me a butcher block top and I painted it with chalkboard paint. I made the boxes from cardboard I duct taped together to get the sizes I wanted. I covered them with burlap on the outside and felt on the inside. Added cheap cabinet knobs I got from Menards. I then stenciled some of them to label what's inside. This replaces the "junk drawer" and is the most used item in my house.
MORE Craft Pages

Normally I would put a Amazon Link here, but to be perfectly honest, these are cheaper at Walmart

Storage and organization have always been a problem, but my real problem is I don't have a "Craft Room" . I craft in the livingroom, I needed to block off an area that is mine without it looking bad from the livingroom side. I had the Sterilite drawers but they were clear and looked messy when filled. I painted them with black chalk paint and sealed them with Mod Podge and used them to create a 1/2 wall. WARNING: Do not wait to seal them, seal them as soon as they are dry. Otherwise paint WILL peel and you'll need to start over !!! ( I know this first hand ;) ) I added various signs so I know what is in each drawer. From the livingroom side it just looks like a black wall, I put a sofa table in front of it. I can still craft and interact with those in the room. (Or the cat who photo bombed the photo.)

I use a mini glue gun a lot. I like it better because it's lightweight and easier to get a thin line, however I go through a LOT of glue sticks. A Dollar Tree crate is perfect to hold them so I can just grab one as I need it. Crates can be painted any colors or design you want. Tip: I used a coat of Matte Mod Podge after I'm done, it helps smooth out your texture of the wood so it's easier to get the dust off.

Mini wooden drawers you can get at Dollar Tree are great for storing your small items. I glued 6 of them together. I use a lot of small wooden balls and 1/2 balls for my gnomes. I glued the various size and types to the front of the drawers so I know what is in each one.

Small Crate Organizer
I used both hot glue and E6000 to glue together 3 sets of 2 Dollar Tree crates. I added a craft stick you can't see to the bottom for extra support to hold them together. Then tip them forward and glued them between 2 of the Dollar Tree's wooden arrows. You could do a smaller version with just 1 crate on each level. I'm using it now to store the wooden noses for my gnomes but it would be cute with q-tips, cotton balls etc for a bathroom or an alternative to a tiered tray. I originally wanted it to store the small bottles of craft paint but you'd need to rework the distance between them to work. I.e. They didn't fit. It's pretty steady HOWEVER I'm not, so I imagine I will knock it over several times, (picking them all up should be fun) before I find something else to store in them. See "Dictionary Definition of Insanity"