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Crafts, FREE SVGs and Clipart, Cakes, Games, Activities, Beatles and Queen Parties plus MORE


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Music The Basics - The Beatles Party - Queen Party - More Rock N Roll (
AC/DC - Alice Cooper - Elvis - Kiss - Jim Morrison - Rolling Stones - Guns N Roses - Jimi Hendrix and More) - Pop Music (Michael Jackson - Taylor Swift - Ed Sheeran - George Michaels) - Country Music - (Johnny Cash and More) - Miscellaneous 

Music The Basics

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Keyboard Piano Gnome
Music Gnome
Keyboard Gnome
This is a standing sock gnome. The keyboard is made with DT Pallet and DT Jenga blocks.
Record Player Cake

Record Player Cake

Love Song Synonymous Titles

Love Songs Synonymous Titles
I Involuntarily Lack Amour Resistance.
If you understood this I have the game for you. If you didn't catch that I Can't Help Falling In Love ... here are some others synonyms for other song titles're bound to get some of them

Amazon Paid Link
Music Gnome
This is a sock gnome. Both him and the one above were made with Walmart's Fat Quarters (Small pieces of fabric already cut and packaged so you don't need to buy off the rolls.) The note in his hand is made with hot glue.

The Beatles

Need "Help" when your friends "Come Together". Don't "Carry That Load".  "We Can Work It Out". Party Ideas
Octopus Garden Beatles Party
Octopus Garden Beatles Guitar Weeps
Octopus' Garden was made out of Dollar Store Pool Noodles, some pipe cleaners and some clear purple plastic.
Weeping Guitar is a Dollar Store Guitar with tears cut from foam board. 
Ticket to Ride was simply printed on a computer
My Beatles Themed Party
How many songs can you find ?
Octopus Garden Beatles Yellow Submarine
Yellow Submarine is a 2 Liter Pop Bottle, periscope is a toilet paper roll, propeller is made from pipe cleaners, front window is a jar lid covered with felt.
Beatles Yellow Submarine Clipart
Octopus Pool Noodles Bowls
Beatles Sgt Peppers Band Pop Bottle Craft
The Octopus
I used two Dollar Store Scalloped Bowls and the legs are pool noodles. I poked holes in the bottom bowl and added a rope where I wanted each leg, then glued the leg to both the rope and the bowl so they were more secure. I then poked a hole in the top bowl and added a rope to hang him from. Glued the bowls together and added felt eyes.
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band were made with 2 Liter Pop Bottles. I cut off the nozzle and turned them upside down and decorated them with paint and felt, Paul's uniform is light blue I don't know why it photographed grey in EVERY picture ?????
Octopus Garden Beatles Party 2
Beatles Sun Lucy Sky Diamonds
The sun was made from foam board and I found Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds clipart online
Here Comes the Sun Clipart
Beatles All You Need Is Love Cake Heart
All You Need is Love, She Loves You Yea Yea Yea
I just did a simple heart for the cake, I didn't want to distract from the rest of the garden
Beatles How Many Songs Find Printable
70 Hidden Beatles Songs Printable
70 Hidden Beatles Songs
Name The Beatles Song Titles Printable Game
Name the Beatles Song Title
How Many Beatles Songs Can You Find ?
Printable Games

FREE Files 
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John Lennon Imagine FREE SVG
John Lennon Imagine
Vinyl on a Dollar Tree Canvas. I painted the sky Background.

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This one is very detailed. 

Amazon Paid Link


Permanent Adhesive Vinyl

12 Inches by 20 Feet

This works just as well as the more expensive brands

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The Beatles Free SVG

I Have Stars
For Layering


Queen Freddie Mercury Themed Party
Bicycle Clipart

"Bicycle Race"

Queen Innuendo Label
Quagmire Giggity Clipart

The friend this party was for is also into Family Guy so I had to insert Quagmire into "Innuendo"

Queen Themed Party. How many Songs/Albums can you find ?

I added a Queen Logo and Freddie Mercury Silhouette to a Red Carpet Photo Background I found at the Dollar Store.
"The Show Must Go On"

Record Player Queen Party
Queen Record Label
Fat Bottom Girls

"Fat Bottom Girls"

The record player was made by covering a cardboard box with a red plastic tablecloth. (Yea I should have just painted it so I wouldn't have had the wrinkles) The Record is Black Foam Core Board I glued a Album label to. The arm of the record player is red foam board. (Don't forget the penny ! Anyone old enough to have owned a record player will understand this). The knobs are various pill bottle lids painted black.

World Clipart
We Will Rock You Rock
Speaker Queen Party News Of The World Speaker
Speaker Queen Party Flash Gordon
Flash Gordon Record Label
Flash Gordon Clipart
Newspaper Clipart

"News Of The World"

"Flash Gordon"

I painted a rock white and added musical notes

"We Will Rock You"

Speakers are cardboard boxes I covered with red plastic and glue black felt to the front. I added a Peavey Logo I printed off the internet.

We Are The Champion Cups

Small Gold Cups I found at the Dollar Store
"We Are The Champions"

Queen Band Clipart

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Name the Queen Song Printable

Name the Queen Song Printable

Can you identify these Queen Songs with just a couple lines of lyrics ?


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This one is very detailed. 
Guitar Cake

Guitar Cake