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St Patrick's Day
NO BLARNEY. Leprechauns, Gnomes, Rainbows, Home Decor, Crafts, FREE SVGs and PNGs, Party Ideas, Games, Printables, Cakes and Treats

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is "Stealable" (FREE)
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Gnomes - Home Decor - Beary Irish - Cricut Crafts and FREE SVGs - Leprechauns - Rainbows - Games - The Story of St Patrick - Printables
Dollar Tree Socks
Simple Sock Gnomes

This was my first attempt for this particular gnome. HOWEVER There is a mistake in this gnome that I didn't notice until after he was glued together. Can you find it ? Maybe "Simple Sock Gnomes" aren't so "Simple"
ANSWER: His hat is upside down.

This guide is a slideshow you can click through.There are more pics then what are seen. Click on First Pic to start.
2nd Attempt
I got the hat to go the correct way, AND I made a tutorial to show you how I made him.

Sock Gnomes Next Level
White Fur can be dyed whatever color you want. Even Orange

Add arms, a coat, a different hat to take your gnome to the next level

Sock Gnomes Out of Towels
Dollar Tree has a lot of cute towels for the various holidays that can be made into gnomes

Felt is Easy
Felt is probably the easiest fabric to work with. It doesn't fray so you don't need seams. AND it's inexpensive
See The Sock Gnome Page
For More specific instructions for gnomes, noses, beards, hats, boots, arms and so much more.

Home Decor

Amazon Paid Link

Silhouette Jar
I love that this looks like just a cute jar and doesn't scream St Patrick's when it's off. This was done with a spaghetti sauce jar. I used the Cricut for the leprechaun but if you don't have a Cricut you can cut out a silhouette out of black paper and glue it to the inside. If the leprechaun is too detailed use a simple shamrock. I then Mod Podged burlap on the outside and added ribbon and jute to decorate. Make sure not to glue the lid shut. The lights are fairy lights I placed inside.

Dollar Tree Shamrock Makeover
I found this sign at DT but the center shamrock was in your face green or they had orange. I repainted it to match the larger shamrock and added ribbon and jute. Some painted wooden beads on a piece of jute to hang it from gives it a richer look. Simple and easy but really makes a difference
Lose Yourself In A Book
Can't find the Dollar Tree Stacked Books you can use the DT Crates and turn them upside down.

Dollar Tree Shamrock Truck
Simply paint and fill with shamrocks. All from Dollar Tree

Erin Go Bragh Wall Hanging

The metal shamrock with the green shamock was a Dollar Tree find. I added the round wood backing that I decoupaged with fabric I got from Walmart. I then added the wording which I cut on the Cricut.

Cricut Crafts and FREE SVGs

Amazon Paid Link

Dollar Tree Candles
Yea they are not perfect, what do you expect for 1.25 BUT they are great for decorating for the various holidays. I'm not sure I would actually light them while they are decorated. Hot glue and permanent vinyl don't really like heat. I like to decorate them for the holidays and easily remove the accents afterward and THEN burn them. You don't have to store them for the year and easy enough to make more next year.
Blank wooden sign is from Dollar Tree

For this one I used the SVG as a stencil
Permanent Adhesive Vinyl
12 Inches by 20 Feet
This works just as well as the more expensive brands
Click on Pics for Free SVGs

Download Includes
Leprechaun SVG
Leprechaun PDF
Lattice Basket SVG
Lattice Basket Instructions PDF File
Leprechaun And Basket Handle Instructions
Free Standing Leprechaun and Lattice Basket

Toilet Paper Roll
I used 1 toilet paper roll for the head and body. I covered the bottom half with green foiled paper and painted the top part flesh tone. Orange Pom Poms for the beard and a smaller one for the nose. Googley Eyes and a black marker drawn mouth. The hat is 1/2 toilet paper roll covered with foiled paper and black felt with a gold foil buckle. I filled the hat with Andes Mints.

Leprechaun Pot of Gold
Fill a clay pot painted black with gold candies and coins. Add Legs made from foiled paper and felt, for a FUN treat.

Leprechaun Traps
This was an assigned "Family" School Project. The whole family needed to build a Leprechaun Trap.
The "Trap" was made with pipe cleaners and felt covered cardboard.
WARNING: I was informed by the 1st grader that with no moving parts,
"This will NOT actually catch a "REAL" Leprechaun !!!"
Leprechaun Pull Apart Cupcakes

Although I didn't ask the first grader, I think this one may work. If the Leprechaun takes the gold. the hat will fall and catch him

Pull Apart Cupcakes are an easy to make and easy to serve treat. This Leprechaun requires no fondant or real cake decorating skills. Yes frosting is piped but it's haphazard so you can't mess it up. The beard can be pretty much any tip you want to use, you just want to give it texture. Face is just smoothed with a knife and the hat can be either. PDF File shows how to place cupcakes.


Paint and glue crafts sticks together. Add some painted clothes pins for a fun message board.
Rainbow Frame or Message Board

Paper Plate Ring Toss
Cut once inch slices into the bottom of a paper towel roll and fold them outward to make tabs and glue it to a paper plate to make the post. Cut circles in the center of a paper plate to make the rings. Paint them Fun colors.

Pot of Gold at
the End of the Rainbow
Paint a clay pot black and add a pipe cleaner rainbow, fill with gold candies and coins.
Rainbow Treats
Rice Krispie Treats using Fruity Pebbles instead of Rice Krispies. Serve them plain or cover them with white chocolate and rainbow sprinkles
SKittles Drop
PaintToilet Paper Rolls rainbow colors and glue them together. I added Black Pots found at the Dollar Store.
Players try to drop or toss skittles into them
1 Point if they get them in a tube
2 Points if it matches the color
5 Points if they go in one of the black pots
See who can Catapult the most Lucky Charms into a bowl

Lucky Charms Catapult
You Will Need:
9 Craft Sticks/Tongue Depressors
(Popsicle Sticks will work but the wider ones are better) -
1 Plastic Spoon
Several Rubber Bands (I used 8)
Lucky Charms
(Optional) Accents/Decorations/Stickers to decorate anyway you choose. I painted the craft sticks before assembling and added the shamrock.

Rubber Band 7 Craft Sticks together at both ends.

Rubber Band the other 2 Craft Sticks together at one end as close to the edge as possible.

Rubber Band a spoon to the end.
Place the 7 between the 2 . The closer they are to the edge the farther they will catapult. Rubber band them together in a criss cross fashion.
Lucky Charms Challenge
This is a timed challenge: Give everyone a spoon and see who can use them to pick out the most marshmallow pieces from Lucky Charms cereal and put them in a bowl. For older kids or adults, make it harder and assign a different amount of points to the different marshmallow shapes.
The Story of St Patrick
Right Left Game
Players sit in a circle and pass the prize/prizes clock-wise to start. As they continuously pass the prize/prizes read the story, Every time the word LEFT or RIGHT is spoken that is the direction the prize/prizes are passed. Whatever the player is holding at the end of the story is theirs to keep.

Inexpensive Prizes or Party Favors

A small bag of the Andes Mints (They're green and inexpensive) decorated with a Irish Hat, I made by cutting apart a Glitter Shamrock from the Dollar Store is easy.
Add a Face for a Fun look.

Many, many years ago a young man born RIGHT in Britain was captured by Irish raiders RIGHT about the time he turned 16. The raiders took Maewyn Succat RIGHT to Ireland and sold him into slavery.
Poor Maewyn found himself alone and LEFT to spend what was LEFT of his teen years, tending his master's sheep.
It was RIGHT during this time that his spiritual life was strengthened and he went RIGHT to God in prayer several times a day.
After being LEFT in slavery for 6 years, he dreamed that he was led RIGHT to a ship that would take him to freedom. He escaped and headed RIGHT for the ship he'd seen in his dream. After traveling 200 miles, he was standing RIGHT in front of that ship and it was ready to sail.
Maewyn went RIGHT back to the home and family he had LEFT in Britain. It was RIGHT there that he had another vision. This vision would later take him RIGHT back to Ireland where he would preach the Gospel.
While home, Maewyn LEFT for a visit to a monastery RIGHT in St. Martin's and an Island Sanctuary where he LEFT himself under the guidance of Bishop St. Germain. He was later promoted RIGHT to the priesthood and stayed in Britain 18 years.
Throughout that time, he was often LEFT with haunting memories of Ireland and went RIGHT to St. Germain to share his experiences. The Bishop recommended him RIGHT to the Pope.
Maewyn requested to go RIGHT back to Ireland as a missionary, but Pallidius was chosen instead. There was nothing LEFT for Maewyn to do, but wait. Finally the RIGHTtime came and Maewyn was called RIGHT to Rome by the Pope and was renamed Patrick before he LEFT on his mission to Ireland.
St. Patrick suffered trials LEFT and RIGHT as a missionary in Ireland. At one time he was sent RIGHT to prison by the Druids, but he managed to find the RIGHT opportunity to escape.
We are LEFT with many exciting stories about the miracles that took place in Patrick's life. For example, the Druid Chieftan Dichu drew his sword RIGHT toward Patrick to kill him, but his arm became stiff and he could not move it. Dichu was LEFT overwhelmed by the miracle and made a sanctuary dedicated RIGHT to St. Patrick.
St. Patrick was also known for driving snakes RIGHT out of Ireland. Some stories say he stood RIGHT on a hill and used his staff to send the snakes RIGHT into the sea. Another story says the snake resisted, But St. Patrick tricked it RIGHT into a small box which he cast RIGHT into the sea.
He eventually won favor with the local kings and was LEFT to travel the countryside for 28 years and spread the word of God during which time he converted almost the entire population.
The stories say that St. Patrick used a shamrock to RIGHTly explain the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
St. Patrick died RIGHT on March 17th, 461 AD at the age of 76. That is why we celebrate St. Patrick's day RIGHT on March 17th every year.
Though St. Patrick is now gone, we are LEFT with his missionary stories and saintly legacy.

Shapes of the Rainbow
Color the Rainbow
by following the Key Code
Printables Games and Activities

How green are You ?
Test Your Green Knowledge
Green Trivia Printable

St Patrick's Day Trivia
Name a "green" children's book written by Dr. Seuss.
What famous children's character sang the words It's not easy being green ?
And 28 other questions