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Ideas for your floral arrangements. Centerpieces, vase arrangements and more. Whether it's for your own home decor or a gift for any occasion, we got tips to make your floral arrangements both attractive and budget friendly.
Quick Links For This Page
Flowers For All Occasions - The Burger - Vase Arrangements - Decoupage A Container - Add A Focal Point - Add Some Fruit - One Type Of Flower - Flowers From Different Materials
Silk Flowers are not only a great way to add pops of color to your decor, they also make great gifts for any occasion. Ordering flowers from a florist can be pricey and they don't last, these will last and they are fairly inexpensive to make. Dollar Tree has stepped up their game when it comes to silk flowers. They now offer a larger variety of more realistic flowers. Hobby Lobby puts their silk flowers on sale (usually every other week) at 40% off. Although not a huge variety I also find some good deals at Walmart.

Adding a Occasion Pick/Sign is not only good way to convey a sentiment for an arrangement you are gifting but for those who want to sell their arrangements it is also a good marketing tip. People are more likely to buy for other people then they are for themselves. These are a simple reminder of other ways your flowers can be used. They can be easily switched out or removed to fit their occasion.These were done on the Cricut but if you don't have a Cricut, you can usually find similiar signs in the party aisles of several different retail stores.

Flowers For All Occasions

Silk Flowers will work for funeral arrangements. I got these at Hobby Lobby (Full Price). I made 3 pieces for a 1/5 what the funeral was going to charge. After I made individual bouquets for the family to keep that acts as a reminder but doesn't scream funeral.
The "Burger"
A bazillion years ago the round centerpiece type arrangement was called a Williamsburg. Those of us who have been arranging flowers FOREVER referred to them as a "Burger". They are usually in a low container and originally they HAD to have at least 5 colors. They were/are a good style for a centerpiece for a table because they look good from all directions and are low enough where it doesn't block the view of the person sitting across the table. Although the term Williamsburg and the whole 5 color thing is outdated the style remains one of the most popular.

More Centerpieces
Click On First Picture To Start The Slideshow

Not that kind of Burger !
Vase Arrangements
Painted jars are great inexpensive vases
How tall should my arrangement be ?
General rule is a vase arrangement should be 1 and 1/2 times the height of the container.

More Vase Arrangements
Click On First Picture To Start The Slideshow

Decoupage a Container

Mickey Mouse Floral Arrangement
Use material instead of an image. Walmart offers the little "Fat Quarters". 18in x 22in cotton fabric pieces for $1-$3
Decoupage A Dollar Tree Metal Bucket
These are great for a small arrangements
Decoupage A Jar
This was an empty spaghetti sauce jar I Mod Podged with a pic I downloaded from the Gnomes Page. We have FREE images on a lot of our pages. I wanted the flowers to match the jar but I didsn't want the red, white and blue patriotic look, so I added the yellow and white and the polka dot bow. I not one for lots of bright colors but I like how this turned out.
Amazon Paid Link

Dollar Tree Milk Can Makeover
I painted it with white chalk paint, decoupaged the cow and use antique wax to age it.
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Add A Focal Point

Butterfly Garden Arrangement
Everything here is from Dollar Tree.
Tip: You can get a larger look using less flowers if you arrange them in clusters like they are growing

Dollar Tree is a great source for novelty items that can provide a Focal Point for your arrangement.
Gnomes are a great way to draw attention to your arrangement

Stylized Arrangements

Use larger flowers as your focal point. In this case the Magnolias.
Dollar Tree carries the larger flowers but they are not as sturdy as the hand wrapped more expensive flowers you would get other places. If you place a drop of hot glue on a petal that wants to "Flop" and secure it to another petal, you can get them to hold their shape better. Some "flopping" is ok, you want them to look natural. Real flowers are not perfect !!

Add Some Fruit

Add fruit to give your arrangement another texture
One Type of Flower

Keep it Simple With Just One Type Of Flower

Just Greens will put the focus on your container or prop
Flowers From Different Materials

Red Burlap Rose Arrangement
These roses were made a while ago, so I don't have a tutorial on them, but there are several on YouTube. Red burlap was purchased at Hobby Lobby, everything else is from Dollar Tree.

You Helped Me Grow
The flowers were made from DT wired ribbon, plastic greens and burlap leaves were added. The sign was made with the Cricut but could be done with a paint pen

Check Out
The Pipe Cleaner Flowers Page
for Step by Step Instructions
Black Eyed Susans
Grape Hyacinths